Taxi rates LYFT Rocky Mount, VA

Is there Lyft in Rocky Mount, VA?
Sorry. No info is available on Lyft prices in Rocky Mount, VA yet.
Lyft prices were updated 750 days ago. Update prices to see the real-time rates with Lyft in Rocky Mount, VA.

Check all taxi fares in Rocky Mount, VA with our Taxi Fare Estimate

(including Lyft Standard, Lyft Line, Lyft Plus and Lyft Premier)

We check the Lyft ride pricing and travel time details for all available car services in Rocky Mount, VA, United States; 24/7.

Recent Estimates nearby:
164 Patterson Ave to Walmart   164 Patterson Ave to Walmart Supercenter   200 Fralins Rd to Roanoke-Blacksburg Regional Airport   1263 Bonbrook Mill Rd to Ippy's Restaurant   230 Cromwell Dr to Salem VA Medical Center  

While enjoying the cheap Lyft rides, we recommend you to visit Rocky Mount, VA top places of interest. Go get behind the wheel and enjoy Lyft in Rocky Mount, VA.

Lyft Rocky Mount most popular routes:
Taxi fare from Rocky Mount to Roanoke
Taxi fare from Holiday Inn Express & Suites Rocky Mount/Smith Mtn Lake to Harvester Performance Center
Taxi fare from 545 Old Franklin Turnpike to 283 Tracy Dr
Taxi fare from 70 Belmont Dr to Walmart
Taxi fare from 2170 Carolina Springs Rd to 15 Scenic Dr
Taxi fare from 2170 Carolina Springs Rd to 195 Scenic Dr
Taxi fare from Franklin County Library to 2283 6 Mile Post Rd
Taxi fare from 9457 Virgil H Goode Hwy to Martinsville Speedway Inc
Taxi fare from 220 Ashpone to Roanoke Memorial Hospital
Taxi fare from Franklin County High School to 1841 Hopkins Rd

So, here you would check Lyft fare estimates for Rocky Mount, Franklin, Virginia, United States. Lyft taxis in Rocky Mount, VA charge riders a base fare when boarding, per mile when moving, and per minute when idling. Lyft rates usually do beat taxi fares in Rocky Mount, VA.

Taxi Rate Estimates Rocky Mount, VA, Taxi Fare Estimates Rocky Mount, VA, Taxi Fare Estimator Rocky Mount, VA, Taxi Calculator Online Rocky Mount, VA, Taxi Calculator Rocky Mount, VA.

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